So, I've been tuning out ole Eyebrows during the Dem Convention coverage, since all I really want is to hear the speeches. Then I click on the media tab at
huffpoo to see that I'm not the only one feeling that perhaps KO is getting too acerbic in his partisan chatter-when even
hopeful wife-to-be Stephanie Miller starts fielding calls about finishing the convention on CSPAN- and it sounds like a good idea to me- then the MSNBC boys better shake it off, zip it up, and stop pissing in a circle facing in. When that happens, all we can see is ass.
Chris Matthews and Joe Scarborough-
especially joe Scarborough- are two more
who could tone it the hell down.
I'm actually going to watch tonight on CSPAN so that the talking heads don't get in the way of America. Please review my earlier clip of Jon Stewart for emphasis.
1 comment:
Jon Stewart said it best last night about Joe Scarbourgh...
"Scarbourgh Country is partly bitchy with a chance of rawr...(completely with hand gesture.)
What was up with david schuster and joe S. anyway? I saw the clip, but I had no idea what the fuck they were fighting over...
peace,love, and anarchy
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