Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 08:03 PM on 09/09/2008
Wow, this is a great reminder. Good post.
Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 08:48 PM on 09/09/2008
Bliggers stop talking about the Baracuda and let's beat up the Media
and Methuselah until she comes out and Meets the Press. As long as
we blog about her he gets what he wants to keep the spotlight off of HIM
He didn't vett her we don't know her and she must come out and answer
questions. Lets keep talking about him and him being unprepared to tell
us what he is going to do for us besides start a WAR. Leave her alone
Blog his old head off. Attack him for not telling us what he is going to do
to get this economy back on track. Him and his buddies destroyed our
economy and don't let him forget it. for mintute.